Waste to Product Conversion for Eco-Friendly Environmental Changes
Re Sustainability handles and manages more than 5 million tons of municipal solid waste every year. Not only this, we ensure no waste is dispersed in the surroundings and create value out of it. We handle and manage more than 5 million tons of municipal solid waste every year.
Not only this, we manage 2000 to 6,500 tons of waste daily and have the capacity to handle the treatment and disposal of waste on a large scale. Additionally, we have the expertise to reduce the footprint of carbon generated out of distinctive solid waste material by converting it into useful compost.

25% Of Waste
Converted into Useful Products

330 kWh
Green Power Generated Annually

Largest Indian
Producer of RDF & Compost
Recycling Organic Municipal Waste Into Compost
Recycling Organic Municipal Waste Into Compost
Creating compost from unrecycled municipal solid waste products.
Using compost to improve soil health, reduce greenhouse gases etc.
Follow modern compost generation process to product quantity in tons.
Have generated 83,678 MT of compost from Municipal Solid Waste.
One of the largest Indian producers of compost from waste products.
Turning Combustible Waste Components Into
Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF)
- Producing RDF from domestic and industrial solid waste in the form of plastics, metals, glass, and other materials.
- Our expert team segregates biodegradable and non-biodegradable material for removing residual material during the shredding process.
- Generating refuse-derived fuel with high calorific value and further use at heat and power plants.
- Extensive use of RDF in our Waste to Energy Plants and the remaining is sent to distinctive cement factories in India.
- Scientific management of rejected RDF and cement factory ash for sanitary landfill.
- In 2020-21, we generated approximately 10,500 tons of refuse-derived fuel (RDF).
Transforming Toxic Methane Gas Into Green & Renewable Compressed Biogas (CBG)
- Minimizing the extensive accumulation of greenhouse gases like methane, toxic odors, toxic leachates & fumes out of frequent fires.
- Scientifically capture & convert harmful gases into Compressed Biogas (CBG) which is further used to fuel the automotive industry.
- As a major contributor to converting toxic wasteland gases, reducing carbon sequestration, controlling emissions, etc.
- Received CII GreenCO Most Innovative Award to Large-Scale Compressed Biogas Plant at HiMSW, 2021.
Our Municipal Solid Waste Management Services
Sustainable Impact of Municipal Solid Waste Management

Tons Handled
Per Day

States In India

Years Of

24 MW
Largest WTE In India